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*The BEMER horse set has been proven to have a positive impact on your horse's body. It strengthens your horse's health in terms of prevention & promotes regeneration after illness. It improves suppleness during training or when preparing for competitions.


*It can also provide valuable support during the healing process, including recovery from muscle tension or tendon/ligament/muscle injury.

*Utilizing BEMER's patented PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) signal, the BEMER penetrates your horse's tissues to stimulate blood flow throughout the body, speeding up the delivery of crucial nutrients & oxygen.

*BEMER is the ONLY FDA cleared Class II medical device that stimulates muscles via a PEMF to temporarily increase local circulation & muscle performance. 

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*The BEMER horse blanket has 19 coils strategically placed to deliver the BEMER signal to the horse's neuralgic points. 

*The BEMER cuffs can be used on front limbs, hind limbs, stifles, the neck/poll, spine or sacroiliac joint/hips for a more targeted effect of therapy. 


Multi Radiance Medical MR4 ACTIVet

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The laser I use is a class 1M laser manufactured by Multi Radiance Medical. Utilizing super pulsing red infrared and blue radiances, it delivers powerful pain relief and healing by deeply penetrating tissues. This unit provides treatment options and safety not possible with lasers that produce class IV thermal side effects. It is cordless which enables me to offer 100% mobile services.

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Multi Radiance technology has proven its technology works, without limitations. Their technology safely delivers the most light to deep tissue and facilitates absorption.
The synchronous use of high power super pulsed laser, and ultra-bright infrared, red and blue LEDs optimizes the biological effects of the entire phototherapeutic window to accelerate healing and reduce pain.


Digatherm IR Pad 640 Veterinary

Wouldn’t it be great if we could see where our animal's pain is coming from? If we could see the functioning of the body instead of just the structure like we see in radiographs? With digital thermal imaging, we can see exactly that. The Digatherm® system is an infrared camera with state of the art veterinary medical imaging software. The science is based on the theory that every object with a temperature greater than absolute zero emits electromagnetic energy either from itself or reflected back from other energy sources. This means that areas of inflammation in the body will be of a higher temperature than non-inflamed areas.

On physical exam, an inflamed area will palpate warmer than the same area on the opposite limb, but for that temperature change to be apparent to our hand, it needs to be more than 3 degrees. The Digatherm® software is sensitive to a single degree. It picks up inflammation often before it becomes clinically obvious, i.e. before it results in lameness.

Another scientific theory that supports the use of this equipment is that animals are thermally symmetrical – the same thermal image should be found on the right and the left sides of the body.

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